#--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # LICENSE INFO: # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This file is part of CAMPARI. # # # # Version 5.0 # # # # Copyright (C) 2024, The CAMPARI development team (current and former # # contributors) # # Andreas Vitalis, Adam Steffen, Rohit Pappu, Hoang # # Tran, Albert Mao, Xiaoling Wang, Jose Pulido, # # Nicholas Lyle, Nicolas Bloechliger, Marco Bacci, # # Davide Garolini, Jiri Vymetal, Cassiano Langini, # # Alessia Del Panta, Francesco Cocina, Julian # # Widmer # # # # Website: http://sourceforge.net/projects/campari/ # # # # CAMPARI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # CAMPARI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with CAMPARI. If not, see . # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AUTHORSHIP INFO: # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # # MAIN AUTHOR: Adam Steffen # # # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# import string import re import os ################################################################################# # # Builds a nested set of hash tables for all mod_* files in the current directory # The organization of the tables is: # # 1. File Name (mod_*) # A. Variable Type (integer,logical,...) # 1) a variable of that time # 2) another variable of that type # ... # n) # B. # ... # 2. # ... ################################################################################# # build array of all globals and store routines that have access, access and modify the global. globals = {} # Files (mod_*) modules = {} descriptions = {} tescriptions = {} customtypes = {} listofcustomtypes = {} # loop over every mod_* file in current directory to extract custom types for file in os.listdir("."): if (file.startswith('mod_') and not file.endswith('_interfaces.f90')): # open each mod_* file fileIN = open(file) line = fileIN.readline().lstrip(' ').rstrip() # Types (integer,etc..) module = {} # list of types temporary listoftypes = {} flag1 = False # add only variables inside module block # loop over all lines in module block while line: # build hash table of global descriptions if re.match("!.*?\:",line): type, descpt = line.split(':',1) type = type + " " x, name, y = re.split('\s+',type,2) descriptions[name] = descpt # reach end of module block if line.startswith("end module"): break # start adding variables elif line.startswith("module "): flag1 = True # add all variables from a type block # temporary new Type is created and removed at the end of the block elif line.startswith("type ") and not line.startswith("type (") and not line.startswith("type ("): x, metatype = re.split('\s+',line,1) listofcustomtypes[metatype] = metatype descriptor = "" line = fileIN.readline() if line.count(" !") > 0: line, descriptor = line.lstrip().rstrip().split(" !",1) descriptor = descriptor.lstrip().rstrip() else: line = line.lstrip().rstrip() meta = {} while not line.startswith("end type"): if not line == '!' and not line.startswith('! '): line = line.replace(", ALLOCATABLE::","") line = line.replace("::","") type, vars = re.split('\s+',line,1) concat = 0 if line.startswith("type (") or line.startswith("type ("): type, vars = re.split('\s+',vars,1) # ((type.replace("type (","type(")).replace("type (","type(")).lstrip('(') type = re.sub('\)','',re.sub('\(','',type)) elif line.startswith("type("): type = re.sub('\)','',re.sub('type\(','',type)) for var in re.split('[\s,]+',vars): # '\s*,(?!\:|\d)\s*',vars): var = var.rstrip().lstrip() # discard white space if var == "": continue if var.count('(') > var.count(')'): concat = 1 varold = var continue if concat == 1: varold = varold+','+var if var.count('(') >= var.count(')'): continue else: concat = 0 var = varold # var = re.sub('\([0-9a-zA-Z]*,[0-9a-zA-Z]*,[0-9a-zA-Z]*\)','(:,:,:)',re.sub('\([0-9a-zA-Z]*,[0-9a-zA-Z]*\)','(:,:)',re.sub('\([0-9a-zA-Z]*\)','(:)',var))) if var.find('(') > 0: key, argum = var.split('(',1) else: key = var if type in listofcustomtypes.keys(): for vart in customtypes[type].keys(): a, b = vart.split("~") new = a+"~"+var+"~"+b key2 = a+"~"+key+"~"+b meta[key2] = new else: if descriptor != "": tescriptions[key] = descriptor new = type+"~"+var key = type+"~"+key meta[key] = new customtypes[metatype] = meta else: line = "" descriptor = "" line = fileIN.readline() if line.count(" !") > 0: line, descriptor = line.lstrip().rstrip().split(" !",1) descriptor = descriptor.lstrip().rstrip() else: line = line.lstrip().rstrip() # move to next line # line = fileIN.readline().lstrip().rstrip().split(" !",10)[0] descriptor = "" line = fileIN.readline() if line.count(" !") > 0: line, descriptor = line.lstrip().rstrip().split(" !",1) descriptor = descriptor.lstrip().rstrip() else: line = line.lstrip().rstrip() # loop over every mod_* file in current directory for file in os.listdir("."): if (file.startswith('mod_') and not file.endswith('_interfaces.f90')): # open each mod_* file fileIN = open(file) line = fileIN.readline().lstrip(' ').rstrip() # Types (integer,etc..) module = {} # list of types temporary flag1 = False # add only variables inside module block # loop over all lines in module block while line: # build hash table of global descriptions if re.match("!.*?\:",line): type, descpt = line.split(':',1) type = type + " " x, name, y = re.split('\s+',type,2) descriptions[name] = descpt # reach end of module block if line.startswith("end module"): break # start adding variables elif line.startswith("module "): flag1 = True # cycle through type definitions elif line.startswith("type ") and not line.startswith("type (") and not line.startswith("type ("): line = fileIN.readline().lstrip().rstrip().split(" !",10)[0] while line: if line.startswith("end type"): break line = fileIN.readline().lstrip().rstrip()#.split(" !",10)[0] # remove temporary Type and change variable names to % elif line.startswith("type(") or line.startswith("type (") or line.startswith("type ("): line = (line.replace("type (","type(")).replace("type (","type(") line = re.sub(",\W*ALLOCATABLE\W*::","",line) half, newl = re.split("\s+",line,1) x, metatype = half.split("(") metatype, x = metatype.split(")") dalist = customtypes.get(metatype, dict()).keys() for new in re.split("[\s,]+",newl): new = new+'(' new, dummy = new.split("(",1) for var in dalist: if var.count("~") > 1: a, b, c = var.split("~") if c in tescriptions and not new+"%"+b+"%"+c in descriptions: descriptions[new+"%"+b+"%"+c] = tescriptions[c] b = new+"%"+b+"%"+c else: a, b = var.split("~") if b in tescriptions and not new+"%"+b in descriptions: descriptions[new+"%"+b] = tescriptions[b] b = new+"%"+b if a in module: mod = module[a] mod[b] = b module[a] = mod categories = {} can_access = {} access = {} modify = {} passes = {} passes2 = {} categories['can_access'] = can_access categories['access'] = access categories['modify'] = modify categories['passes'] = passes categories['passes2'] = passes2 modulname,x = file.split('.',1) categories['module'] = modulname globals[b] = categories else: mod = {} mod[b] = b module[a] = mod categories = {} can_access = {} access = {} modify = {} passes = {} passes2 = {} categories['can_access'] = can_access categories['access'] = access categories['modify'] = modify categories['passes'] = passes categories['passes2'] = passes2 modulname,x = file.split('.',1) categories['module'] = modulname globals[b] = categories if metatype in module: mod = module[metatype] mod[new] = new module[metatype] = mod categories = {} can_access = {} access = {} modify = {} passes = {} passes2 = {} categories['can_access'] = can_access categories['access'] = access categories['modify'] = modify categories['passes'] = passes categories['passes2'] = passes2 modulname,x = file.split('.',1) categories['module'] = modulname globals[new] = categories else: mod = {} mod[new] = new module[metatype] = mod categories = {} can_access = {} access = {} modify = {} passes = {} passes2 = {} categories['can_access'] = can_access categories['access'] = access categories['modify'] = modify categories['passes'] = passes categories['passes2'] = passes2 modulname,x = file.split('.',1) categories['module'] = modulname globals[new] = categories # check for parameter declarations, rewrite variables that have constant value elif line.startswith("parameter ("): x, const = line.split("(") const, x = const.split(")") param, num = const.split("=") dalist = module.keys() for var in dalist: mod = module[var] if param in mod: del mod[param] string = param+"="+num mod[param] = string module[var] = mod categories = {} can_access = {} access = {} modify = {} passes = {} passes2 = {} categories['can_access'] = can_access categories['access'] = access categories['modify'] = modify categories['passes'] = passes categories['passes2'] = passes2 modulname,x = file.split('.',1) categories['module'] = modulname globals[param] = categories globals[string] = categories break # add all variables within module block not in a type block elif not line == '!' and not line.startswith('! ') and not line.startswith('#') and not line.startswith('implicit') and flag1: line = re.sub(",\W*ALLOCATABLE\W*::","",line) line = line.replace("::","") if not line.startswith('&'): type, vars = re.split('\s+',line,1) else: line.lstrip('&') vars = line concat = 0 for var in re.split('[\s,]+',vars): # '\s*,(?!\:|\d)\s*',vars): if var.count('(') > var.count(')'): concat = 1 varold = var continue if concat == 1: varold = varold+','+var if var.count('(') >= var.count(')'): continue else: concat = 0 var = varold var2 = var+"(1" key, x = var2.split('(',1) if not type == 'data' and not type == 'DATA' and not type == 'save' and not type == 'SAVE': if type in module: mod = module[type] mod[key] = var module[type] = mod categories = {} can_access = {} access = {} modify = {} passes = {} passes2 = {} categories['can_access'] = can_access categories['access'] = access categories['modify'] = modify categories['passes'] = passes categories['passes2'] = passes2 modulname,x = file.split('.',1) categories['module'] = modulname globals[key] = categories globals[var] = categories else: mod = {} mod[key] = var module[type] = mod categories = {} can_access = {} access = {} modify = {} passes = {} passes2 = {} categories['can_access'] = can_access categories['access'] = access categories['modify'] = modify categories['passes'] = passes categories['passes2'] = passes2 modulname,x = file.split('.',1) categories['module'] = modulname globals[key] = categories globals[var] = categories # move to next line descriptor = "" line = fileIN.readline() if line.count(" !") > 0: line, descriptor = line.lstrip().rstrip().split(" !",1) descriptor = descriptor.lstrip().rstrip() else: line = line.lstrip().rstrip() # remove temporary keys for type in listoftypes.keys(): del module[type] # combine tables for each file modules[file] = module ################################################################################# # # Extension to script that goes through all routines (*.f90) and defines what # globals that routine 'can access', 'does access', and 'modifies.' # ################################################################################# # can access files = {} routine = {} for file in os.listdir("."): if file.endswith('.f90') and not file.startswith('mod_'): subroutines = {} fileIN = open(file) notnewflag = False for line in fileIN: line = line.lstrip(' ').rstrip() # enter old can_access and select new routine name if line.startswith("subroutine ") or line.startswith("program ") or line.startswith("function "): if notnewflag: routine[routinename] = can_access notnewflag = True xtp, routinename = re.split('\s+',line,1) routinename = routinename + '(' routinename, x = routinename.split('(',1) subroutines[routinename] = xtp+'_'+routinename can_access = {} elif line.startswith("use "): a,b = re.split(' | !|\!',line)[:2] b = "mod_" + b + ".f90" if b in modules: mod = modules[b] dalist = mod.keys() for key in dalist: if not key in can_access: typetable = {} can_access[key] = typetable module = mod[key] varlist = module.keys() for var in varlist: value = module[var] typetable = can_access[key] var = var.replace('(','').replace(')','').replace(':','').replace(',','') var = var.lstrip().rstrip() if var == "": continue typetable[var] = value can_access[key] = typetable routine[routinename] = can_access files[file] = subroutines #print routine #print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" # Print table ###################### '''routinelist = routine.keys() for r in routinelist: print r typelist = routine[r].keys() for t in typelist: print " <"+t+">" types = routine[r] vars = "" varlist = types[t].keys() for v in varlist: vars = vars + " " + v print " "+vars+"\n" '''# make list of accessed ##################################### #print "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< can access" routine_access = {} for file in os.listdir("."): if file.endswith('.f90') and not file.startswith('mod_'): fileIN = open(file) notnewflag = False for line in fileIN: line = line.lstrip(' ').rstrip() if line.startswith("subroutine ") or line.startswith("program ") or line.startswith("function "): if notnewflag: routine_access[routinename] = access notnewflag = True x, routinename = re.split('\s+',line,1) routinename = routinename + '(' routinename, x = routinename.split('(',1) access = {} types = routine[routinename] elif not (line=='!') and not line.startswith('! ') and notnewflag: list = re.split('\W+',line) listcomb = [] pos3 = '' for p1 in range(1,len(list)-1): pos1 = list[p1] for p2 in range(p1+1,len(list)): pos2 = list[p2] pos3 = pos1 + '%' +pos2 listcomb.append(pos3) for p4 in range(p2+1,len(list)): pos4 = list[p4] pos5 = pos1 + '%' +pos2 + '%' +pos4 listcomb.append(pos5) list.extend(listcomb) typelist = types.keys() for each in list: each = each.lstrip().rstrip() if each == "": continue for type in typelist: vars = types[type] if each in vars: if not type in access: access[type] = {} value = vars[each] temp1 = globals[value] temp2 = temp1['access'] temp2[routinename] = routinename temp1['access'] = temp2 globals[value] = temp1 access_type = access[type] access_type[each] = value access[type] = access_type routine_access[routinename] = access ####################################### '''routinelist = routine_access.keys() for r in routinelist: print r typelist = routine_access[r].keys() for t in typelist: print " <"+t+">" types = routine_access[r] vars = "" varlist = types[t].keys() for v in varlist: vars = vars + " " + v print " "+vars+"\n" '''####################################### routine_passes = {} routine_calls = {} for file in os.listdir("."): if file.endswith('.f90') and not file.startswith('mod_'): fileIN = open(file) notnewflag = False for line in fileIN: line = line.lstrip(' ').rstrip() if line.startswith("subroutine ") or line.startswith("program ") or line.startswith("function "): if notnewflag: routine_passes[routinename] = passes routine_calls[routinename] = calls notnewflag = True x, routinename = re.split('\s+',line,1) routinename = routinename + '(' routinename, x = routinename.split('(',1) passes = {} calls = [] types = routine[routinename] elif not (line=='!') and not line.startswith('! ') and notnewflag: list = re.split('\W+',line) listcomb = [] if ("call" in list) or ("Call" in list) or ("CALL" in list): callstr = "" if ("call" in list): callstr = "call" if ("Call" in list): callstr = "Call" if ("CALL" in list): callstr = "CALL" for p1 in range(list.index(callstr)+1,len(list)-1): pos1 = list[p1] for p2 in range(p1+1,len(list)): pos2 = list[p2] pos3 = pos1 + '%' +pos2 listcomb.append(pos3) for p4 in range(p2+1,len(list)): pos4 = list[p4] pos5 = pos1 + '%' +pos2 + '%' +pos4 listcomb.append(pos5) list.extend(listcomb) typelist = types.keys() for p1 in range(list.index(callstr)+1,len(list)): each = list[p1] each = each.lstrip().rstrip() if each == "": continue for type in typelist: vars = types[type] if each in vars: if not type in passes: passes[type] = {} value = vars[each] temp1 = globals[value] temp2 = temp1['passes'] temp2[routinename] = routinename temp1['passes'] = temp2 temp2 = temp1['passes2'] temp2[list[list.index(callstr)+1]] = list[list.index(callstr)+1] temp1['passes2'] = temp2 globals[value] = temp1 passes_type = passes[type] passes_type[each] = value passes[type] = passes_type if not list[list.index(callstr)+1] in calls: calls.append(list[list.index(callstr)+1]) routine_passes[routinename] = passes routine_calls[routinename] = calls routine_modify = {} for file in os.listdir("."): if file.endswith('.f90') and not file.startswith('mod_'): fileIN = open(file) notnewflag = False for line in fileIN: line = line.lstrip(' ').rstrip() if line.startswith("subroutine ") or line.startswith("program ") or line.startswith("function "): if notnewflag: routine_modify[routinename] = modify notnewflag = True x, routinename = re.split('\s+',line,1) routinename = routinename + '(' routinename, x = routinename.split('(',1) modify = {} types = routine_access[routinename] elif not (line=='!') and not line.startswith('! ') and (line.find('=')>=0): list = re.split('=',line) list.pop() for each in list: each = each.rstrip() if each.endswith("'"): continue each = re.sub('\([a-zA-Z0-9,:%+-]*?\)','',each) each = re.sub('\([a-zA-Z0-9,:%+-]*?\)','',each) each = re.sub('\([a-zA-Z0-9,:%+-]*?\)','',each) each = re.sub('\([a-zA-Z0-9,:%+-]*?\)','',each) # listi = each + '(' # listi, x = listi.split('(',1) # listi = re.split('\W+',listi) list2 = re.split('[^a-zA-Z0-9%_]+',each) listcomb = [] pos3 = '' for p1 in range(1,1): pos1 = list2[p1] for p2 in range(p1+1,len(list2)): pos2 = list2[p2] pos3 = pos1 + '%' +pos2 listcomb.append(pos3) for p4 in range(p2+1,len(list2)): pos4 = list2[p4] pos5 = pos1 + '%' +pos2 + '%' +pos4 listcomb.append(pos5) # listi.extend(listcomb) # list2 = listi typelist = types.keys() for each2 in list2: each2 = each2.lstrip().rstrip() if each2 == "": continue for type in typelist: vars = types[type] if each2 in vars: if not type in modify: modify[type] = {} value = vars[each2] temp1 = globals[value] temp2 = temp1['modify'] temp2[routinename] = routinename temp1['modify'] = temp2 globals[value] = temp1 modify_type = modify[type] modify_type[each2] = value modify[type] = modify_type routine_modify[routinename] = modify #print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" #print routine_modify # Print globals and where they are accessed or modified #### '''globs = globals.keys() for g in globs: print g print " access" temp1 = globals[g] types = temp1['access'].keys() for t in types: print " " + t print " modify" types = temp1['modify'].keys() for t in types: print " " + t '''# ########################################################### # Print table ###################### '''filelist = files.keys() for file in filelist: print file routinelist = files[file].keys() for r in routinelist: print " ________ " +r+" ________" print " {access}" typelist = routine_access[r].keys() for t in typelist: types = routine_access[r] vars = " <"+t+">" varlist = types[t].keys() for v in varlist: vars = vars + "; " + v print vars print " {modify}" typelist = routine_modify[r].keys() for t in typelist: vars = " <"+t+">" types = routine_modify[r] varlist = types[t].keys() for v in varlist: vars = vars + "; " + v print vars print "############################################" '''# make list of accessed ##################################### #print module files for i in globals.keys(): if (i.find('%')>=0): i45, i44 = i.split('%',1) i45 = i45 + "(1" i43, x = i45.split('(',1) i44 = i44 + "(1" i42, x = i44.split('(',1) i3 = i43 + '%' + i42 +"(1" else: i3 = i + "(1" i2, x = i3.split('(',1) globals[i2] = globals[i] moduleslist = modules.keys() for module in moduleslist: if not os.path.isdir('globals_doc'): os.mkdir('globals_doc') modulename, x = module.split('.',1) filehandle = open('globals_doc/'+modulename+'.html','w') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('
'+module) filehandle.write('
') filehandle.write('(index)') mod = modules[module] typelist = mod.keys() for t in typelist: if not t == 'data' and not type == 'DATA' and not type == 'save' and not type == 'SAVE': typelist = mod[t] vars = "" varlist = sorted(typelist.keys()) # filehandle.write('
') for v in varlist: vars = vars + "; " + typelist[v] dtt = typelist[v] dtt = dtt + "=1" typestrip, x = dtt.split('=',1) if not (typestrip.find('%')>=0): typestrip = typestrip + '(' typestrip, x = typestrip.split('(',1) typestrip = typestrip.replace('(','').replace(')','').replace(':','').replace(',','') if typestrip in descriptions: descptkey = descriptions[typestrip] else: descptkey = ' ' filehandle.write('

' + ''+t+' '+typelist[v] +'

') filehandle.write('
') filehandle.write('
Accessed by:
') methodlist = globals[typelist[v]] sublist = sorted(methodlist['access'].keys()) for s in sublist: filename = modulename filelist = files.keys() for file in filelist: if s in files[file]: filename, x = file.split('.',1) filehandle.write(''+s+', ') filehandle.write('
') filehandle.write('
Passed by:
') methodlist = globals[typelist[v]] sublist = sorted(methodlist['passes'].keys()) for s in sublist: filename = modulename filelist = files.keys() for file in filelist: if s in files[file]: filename, x = file.split('.',1) filehandle.write(''+s+', ') filehandle.write('
') filehandle.write('
Passed to:
') methodlist = globals[typelist[v]] sublist = sorted(methodlist['passes2'].keys()) for s in sublist: filename = "" filelist = files.keys() for file in filelist: if s in files[file]: filename, x = file.split('.',1) if (filename == ""): filehandle.write(s+' ') else: filehandle.write(''+s+', ') filehandle.write('
') filehandle.write('
Directly modified by:
') methodlist = globals[typelist[v]] sublist = sorted(methodlist['modify'].keys()) for s in sublist: filename = modulename filelist = files.keys() for file in filelist: if s in files[file]: filename, x = file.split('.',1) filehandle.write(''+s+', ') filehandle.write('
') filehandle.write('

') # filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('') ##################################### #print routine files filelist = files.keys() for file in filelist: if not os.path.isdir('globals_doc'): os.mkdir('globals_doc') filename, x = file.split('.',1) filehandle = open('globals_doc/'+filename+'.html','w') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('
'+file) filehandle.write('
') filehandle.write('(index)') routinelist = files[file].values() for rr in routinelist: subword,r = re.split('_',rr,1) filehandle.write('

' + ''+subword+' '+ r +'

') filehandle.write('
') typelist = routine_access[r].keys() for t in typelist: filehandle.write('
{'+t+'} ') typeg = routine_access[r] varlist = typeg[t].keys() for v in varlist: gb = globals[v] filehandle.write(''+v+', ') filehandle.write('
') typelist = routine_modify[r].keys() for t in typelist: filehandle.write('
{'+t+'} ') typeg = routine_modify[r] varlist = typeg[t].keys() for v in varlist: gb = globals[v] filehandle.write(''+v+', ') filehandle.write('
') typelist = routine_passes[r].keys() for t in typelist: typeg = routine_passes[r] varlist = typeg[t].keys() for v in varlist: gb = globals[v] p2l = (gb['passes2']).keys() filelist = files.keys() filename, xx = file.split('.',1) # for file2 in filelist: # if files[file2].has_key(''.join(p2l)): # filename, xx = file2.split('.',1) filehandle.write('
{'+t+'} '+v+' to ') for subr in p2l: if not subr in routine_calls[r]: continue filename2 = "" for file2 in filelist: if subr in files[file2].keys(): filename2, xx = file2.split('.',1) if filename2 == "": filehandle.write(subr+', ') else: filehandle.write(''+' '+subr+', ') filehandle.write('

') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('') ##################################### # make index file if not os.path.isdir('globals_doc'): os.mkdir('globals_doc') filehandle = open('globals_doc/global_tracker.html','w') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('

CAMPARI Code - Global Variable Tracker

') filehandle.write('

Subroutine File Index:

') filelist = sorted(files.keys()) for file in filelist: filename, x = file.split('.',1) filehandle.write('
') filehandle.write('

Module File Index:

') modulelist = sorted(modules.keys()) for module in modulelist: modulename, x = module.split('.',1) filehandle.write('
') filehandle.write('
') filehandle.write('') filehandle.write('')